Senior Year Double Take

June 10, 2024 Senior

What's better than one AMZING out of the box senior session?!? TWO!

When these two asked if they could have a double senior session I was absolutely stoked. Both of these teens are incredible artist, stylish, wildly fun, creative souls. Planning sessions are one of my favorite things about the senior photo session process is having the planning meeting. Here we get to chit chat about all of the seniors interests, hobbies, wild ideas and see how we can make them even grander than before! All the while celebrating who they are and capturing their parents once little before they go out into the world on their own. This meeting was no exception. These two had a very clear vision that was well beyond what is normally brought to the table. We talked about a paint set, Levi look alike ads, musical instruments, retro vibes, a love for water, skipping stones, tennis and about a million other things. They had different outfits and vibes planned for each section and I was LOVING IT! I mean yall they really came prepped and ready for this. We finally got to nail it down to different looks and blocks in the session.

Now I could have very well posted these two individually but I think it's important to show that when you hire a photographer with experience (hi) even the same location can look different with each person. Different poses, different vibes, different props, ect. Just because these two are at the same place, we still got to capture their personalities individually as well as together.

This was one of my favorite all time senior sessions to date. Take my favorite thing and then double it!